科目一覧へ戻る | 2025/02/04 現在 |
開講科目名 /Class |
海外語学研修 研究論文/Overseas Language Study: Research Paper |
授業コード /Class Code |
BB01881001 |
ナンバリングコード /Numbering Code |
GCEb010 |
開講キャンパス /Campus |
ポートアイランド |
開講所属 /Course |
グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication |
年度 /Year |
2025年度/Academic Year |
開講区分 /Semester |
曜日・時限 /Day, Period |
月1(後期)/MON1(AUT.) |
単位数 /Credits |
4.0 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Krieg, Alexander William/Krieg, Alexander William |
遠隔授業 /Remote lecture |
No |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Krieg, Alexander William/Krieg, Alexander William | グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication |
授業の方法 /Class Format |
Seminar and lecture |
授業の目的 /Class Purpose |
The purpose of this subject is to have students learn to acquire advanced skills for English written communication as well as learn to acquire the power of communication to work with people who speak a language other than Japanese cooperatively. The two aims correspond to the diploma policy No.1 and No.2 of the Faculty of Global Communication. |
到 達 目 標 /Class Objectives |
After taking this class, students 1) will understand the processes involved in writing an extended academic essay 2) will be able to report on an aspect of their study abroad experience in written form and 3) will learn to cooperate with with classmates and instructors using English effectively |
授業のキーワード /Keywords |
Academic writing, Research, Study Abroad |
授業の進め方 /Method of Instruction |
After a series of lectures on various aspects of the writing process, students will work in an active way to write extended essays related to a chosen aspect of their overseas study experience. |
履修するにあたって /Instruction to Students |
Attendance and active participation in each class is mandatory. Students are expected to use only English in the classroom. |
授業時間外に必要な学修内容・時間 /Required Work and Hours outside of the Class |
At least 120 minutes study time will be needed outside the class for each class hour. |
提出課題など /Quiz,Report,etc |
Students will be frequently asked to prepare aspects of their presentation in order to get ongoing feedback from classmates. They will need to submit a first draft towards the end of the semester, and a final draft at the end of the semester. |
成績評価方法・基準 /Grading Method・Criteria |
Academic essay (includes presentation 10%) : 50 % Peer feedback: 20% Weekly mini-tests: 15% Contribution to the class: 15% |
テキスト /Required Texts |
参考図書 /Reference Books |
No. | 回 /Time |
主題と位置付け /Subjects and position in the whole class |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
1 | 第1回 | Orientation | Orientation | |
2 | 第2回 | What is required in an academic essay? | Students will learn about the components of an academic essay. | |
3 | 第3回 | Background reading I | Students will consider what kind of literature is appropriate for review in an essay. | |
4 | 第4回 | Background reading II | Students will learn how to write up about background literature in an essay. | |
5 | 第5回 | APA I | Students will learn how to write an academic essay using the APA format. | |
6 | 第6回 | Methodology | Students will learn how to write up the methodology of their research. | |
7 | 第7回 | Results | Students will learn how to write up the results of their research. | |
8 | 第8回 | Discussion | Students will learn how to write up the discussion of their research. | |
9 | 第9回 | Introduction | Students will learn how to write an introduction to their essay. | |
10 | 第10回 | Conclusion | Students will learn how to write a conclusion to their essay. |
11 | 第11回 | APA II | Students will learn how to ensure that citations are written in an APA format. | |
12 | 第12回 | Academic Essay Review | Students will have the opportunity to review their writing by cooperating with classmates. | |
13 | 第13回 | Consultations | Students will be able to consult with an instructor and classmates about the composition of their essay. | |
14 | 第14回 | Presentation of essay | Students will present the final drafts of their essays to the class. | |
15 | 第15回 | Reflection | Reflection |