
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2025/02/04 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

英語専攻演習Ⅲ/English Course Advanced Seminar Ⅲ
/Class Code
/Numbering Code
グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication
2025年度/Academic Year  
/Day, Period
/Main Instructor
シャーロー トーマス/Schalow Thomas
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

シャーロー トーマス/Schalow Thomas グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication
/Class Format
Discussion and presentation format
/Class Purpose
この授業ではディプロマポリシーの中でも (1) 実践的で高度な外国語の適用できる (2) 言語の基礎にある多様な社会、文化、歴史、政治、経済などについて幅広い知識や教養を身に付けることができる (3) 教養現場で効果な英語に関する体系的で専門的知識と指導法を習得することができる ことを目的としている。
In this class we will continue to explore the subtle meanings of modern English and important aspects of American culture in the drama series Gossip Girl. This class is especially useful for students who wish to become translators or interpreters, for students who are interested in the American educational system, or for students who wish to develop a deeper understanding of foreign culture.
到 達 目 標
/Class Objectives
Students will enhance their abilities to translate English into Japanese with a better understanding of the original ideas. They will also increase their knowledge of foreign culture, build their vocabularies, and practice using more complex English sentence patterns.
culture, drama, grammar, translation, vocabulary
/Method of Instruction
Each week a new episode of the Gossip Girl series will be examined and discussed. Students will explore the culture and language of the drama, and use this knowledge in a final project. The project will relate to one of the many aspects of foreign culture discussed in the drama. The final project will be in the form of a Powerpoint oral report, presented in English, that gives the students an ability to speak about a subject in depth for 15 minutes. 
/Instruction to Students
Students are expected to actively participate in every class. All discussions will be held in English.
/Required Work and Hours outside of the Class
Students will be asked to continue their study of English outside of the classroom, with materials decided after a consultation between student and teacher. Students should expect to spend approximately 60 minutes each week to complete this work.
Students will be given weekly homework that must submitted on time. Class projects must be completed and submitted before the 12th week of class. 提出物のフィードバックに関しては、授業内外で実施する。
/Grading Method・Criteria
Weekly discussion, quizzes and homework (60%), final report (40%)
/Required Texts
No textbook will be required. Teacher will supply students with all study material necessary for the class.
/Reference Books
/Subjects and position in the whole class
/Methods and contents
1 第1回 Week 01 Introduction Episode name: You've Got Yale
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
2 第2回 Week 02 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: Carnal Knowlege
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
3 第3回 Week 03 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: The Age of Dissonance
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
4 第4回 Week 04 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: The Grandfather
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
5 第5回 Week 05 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: Southern Gentleman Prefer Blondes
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
6 第6回 Week 06 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: The Wrath of Con
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
7 第7回 Week 07 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: Valley Girls
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
8 第8回 Week 08 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: The Goodbye Gossip Girl
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
9 第9回 Week 09 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: Reversals of Fortune
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
10 第10回 Week 10 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: The Freshman
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
11 第11回 Week 11 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: The Lost Boy
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
12 第12回 Week 12 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: Rufus Getting Married
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
13 第13回 Week 13 Vocabulary and culture Episode name: Enough about Eve
Explanation and practical use of grammar and vocabulary. Exploration of drama themes and student analysis of character and plot development.
14 第14回 Week 14 Student presentations Student Powerpoint presentations
15 第15回 Week 15 Student presentations Student Powerpoint presentations
