科目一覧へ戻る | 2025/02/04 現在 |
開講科目名 /Class |
英語専攻演習Ⅲ/English Course Advanced Seminar Ⅲ |
授業コード /Class Code |
BB01601006 |
ナンバリングコード /Numbering Code |
GCEf003 |
開講キャンパス /Campus |
ポートアイランド |
開講所属 /Course |
グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication |
年度 /Year |
2025年度/Academic Year |
開講区分 /Semester |
曜日・時限 /Day, Period |
水3(後期)/WED3(AUT.) |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Krieg, Alexander William/Krieg, Alexander William |
遠隔授業 /Remote lecture |
No |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Krieg, Alexander William/Krieg, Alexander William | グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication |
授業の方法 /Class Format |
演習 |
授業の目的 /Class Purpose |
In this class, students explore their mind from a depth psychology perspective. We incorporate Jungian psychology and the Internal Family Systems model to identify parts of the self and enter into a dialogue with them. To this end, students will learn the extent to which their inner "family" functions, and how to take leadership over their minds and emotions. |
到 達 目 標 /Class Objectives |
1. Students will be able to identify the many parts of themselves 2. Students will be able to articulate how parts of themselves are represented in universal archetypes 3. Students will be able to analyze their own dreams 4. Students will be able to apply their new knowledge of self and other relations to applied settings |
授業のキーワード /Keywords |
Psychology, Internal Family Systems, Jungian Psychology, Intrapersonal Communication |
授業の進め方 /Method of Instruction |
Activities, Discussions, Readings, Reflection Questions |
履修するにあたって /Instruction to Students |
授業時間外に必要な学修内容・時間 /Required Work and Hours outside of the Class |
Approximately 1-3 hours per week should be sufficient to complete homework assignments. |
提出課題など /Quiz,Report,etc |
Before Class Readings, Short Answer Questions, In-Class Activities, Discussions, Dream Analysis Report |
成績評価方法・基準 /Grading Method・Criteria |
Participation (55%), Reflection Questions (30%), Dream Analysis Report (15%) |
テキスト /Required Texts |
Required materials are provided in class. |
参考図書 /Reference Books |
No. | 回 /Time |
主題と位置付け /Subjects and position in the whole class |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
1 | 1回目 | Course Introduction | Explain Course Content | |
2 | 2回目 | Archetypes Pt 1 | Activity: Draw a Mask | |
3 | 3回目 | Archetypes Pt 2 | Discussion: "Days of Creation" | |
4 | 4回目 | Archetypes Pt 3 | Activity: Archetype Cards and Motifs | |
5 | 5回目 | Parts Work Pt 1 | Activity: TBD | |
6 | 6回目 | Parts Work Pt 2 | Discussion: TBD | |
7 | 7回目 | Parts Work Pt 3 | Activity: TBD | |
8 | 8回目 | Zemi Outing: Art Museum | Zemi Outing: Art Museum | |
9 | 9回目 | Dream Analysis Pt 1 | Activity: Free Association | |
10 | 10回目 | Dream Analysis Pt 2 | Activity: Parts of Self | |
11 | 11回目 | Dream Analysis Pt 3 | Activity: Developing and Choosing Interpretations | |
12 | 12回目 | Dream Analysis Pt 4 | Activity: Rituals and Acknowledgment | |
13 | 13回目 | Zemi Gasshuku | Zemi Gasshuku | |
14 | 14回目 | Course Evaluation | Exit Interview and Feedback | |
15 | 15回目 | Borges' Dreamer | Discussion: "Dreaming of the Future" |