科目一覧へ戻る | 2025/02/04 現在 |
開講科目名 /Class |
英語専攻演習Ⅱ/English Course Advanced Seminar Ⅱ |
授業コード /Class Code |
BB01591006 |
ナンバリングコード /Numbering Code |
GCEf002 |
開講キャンパス /Campus |
ポートアイランド |
開講所属 /Course |
グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication |
年度 /Year |
2025年度/Academic Year |
開講区分 /Semester |
曜日・時限 /Day, Period |
水3(前期)/WED3(SPR.) |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Krieg, Alexander William/Krieg, Alexander William |
遠隔授業 /Remote lecture |
No |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Krieg, Alexander William/Krieg, Alexander William | グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication |
授業の方法 /Class Format |
演習 |
授業の目的 /Class Purpose |
The purpose of this class is to expand student knowledge of interpersonal relationships and intra-psychic processes by actively engaging with didactic material, case examples, and their own present-moment emotional experiences during our discussion. |
到 達 目 標 /Class Objectives |
1. Students will gain knowledge on intra-psychic processes 2. Students will gain knowledge on interpersonal dynamics 3. Students will gain practical communication skills to better explore emotions in self and others |
授業のキーワード /Keywords |
Psychology, Human Relationships, Relationship Patterns, Interpersonal Communication |
授業の進め方 /Method of Instruction |
Activities, Discussions, Readings, Reflection Questions |
履修するにあたって /Instruction to Students |
授業時間外に必要な学修内容・時間 /Required Work and Hours outside of the Class |
Approximately 1-3 hours per week should be sufficient to complete homework assignments. |
提出課題など /Quiz,Report,etc |
Before Class Readings, Short Answer Questions, In-Class Activities, Discussions |
成績評価方法・基準 /Grading Method・Criteria |
Discussion |
テキスト /Required Texts |
Required readings are provided in class. |
参考図書 /Reference Books |
No. | 回 /Time |
主題と位置付け /Subjects and position in the whole class |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
1 | 1回目 | Introduction | Class Explanation | |
2 | 2回目 | Attentional Processes | Discussion: "Training our Attention" | |
3 | 3回目 | Types of Awareness | Discussion: "Realms of Awareness" | |
4 | 4回目 | Affective Experiences | Discussion: "Building Emotional Awareness" | |
5 | 5回目 | Evolutionary Origin of Emotions | Discussion: "Origin of Emotions" | |
6 | 6回目 | Affect Phobia Pt 1 | Discussion: "Introducing Affect Phobia" | |
7 | 7回目 | Affect Phobia Pt 2 | Discussion: "Curing Affect Phobia" | |
8 | 8回目 | Reflection Statements Pt 1 | Discussion: "Helping Others Approach Their Emotions" | |
9 | 9回目 | Reflection Statements Pt 2 | Discussion: "Reflection Statements" | |
10 | 10回目 | Dealing with Defenses Pt 1 | Discussion: "Identifying Defenses" | |
11 | 11回目 | Dealing with Defenses Pt 2 | Discussion: "Validating Defenses" | |
12 | 12回目 | Dealing with Defenses Pt 3 | Discussion: "Quieting Defenses" | |
13 | 13回目 | Interpersonal Wishes and CCRT Method | Discussion: "Interpersonal Wishes" | |
14 | 14回目 | Reflection | Course Evaluation and Interpersonal Feedback | |
15 | 15回目 | Individual Consultation | Individual Consultation |